一般賃貸, 長期滞在ホテル型, 短期滞在マンスリー&ウィークリー型Introduction(English)

Community Space

Community Life

One of the features N’s Court has is hotel-like high quality service, but there is more than that.
The residents exchange greeting each other by saying “Welcome back” “Have a nice day!” and such a scene can be commonly seen in daily life at the N’s Court.

And such staff’s caring as to keep an eye on the residents from proper distance creates warm atmosphere inside the buildings.

The buildings have a lot of community spaces, so you may want to enjoy chatting with the staff or other residents if you get tired of staying alone.

It is also a good way to relax by yourself at the cafe lounge. N’s Court is a place that will fill you with energy for tomorrow whether you spend your time alone or with someone.

Cafe & Fitness

Creating comfortable space and “fitness” for the residents are what N’s Court 139 Lego really wishes for. There is a cafe lounge in soft sunlight and a fitness facility to keep you fit in daily life.

Please feel free to use those and relax with healing music just on your own style whenever you like in the morning or on holiday.